Thursday, 3 January 2019

Forest life- Tane Mahuta

I would like to one day visit Tane Mahuta in the Waipoua Forest because he sounds cool. I want to climb Tane Mahuta and play on the branches and see if the leaves are normal like the trees at my place. I also want to see how high Tane Mahuta is, as the photo of him looks tiny.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack

    Tane Mahuta is a really awesome giant of the forest in Northland. I am lucky enough to have seen this amazing tree. It really is well worth the trip to see it.
    I don't think you will be able to climb Tane Mahuta as it is all fenced off so you can't even touch it. At the moment there is also a disease that is effecting the kauri trees. They are doing a really good job to keep it away from Tane Mahuta at the moment but there are a lot of other trees that have the disease.
    It really is massive and even if you could get to it, it is half as tall as a rugby field so climbing this would be tricky.

    I hope that you are having a great holiday so far and that you are doing something fun! It looks like another great day today so enjoy yourself!

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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