Friday, 4 January 2019

Werid and Wonderful

3 mls x 365 days =1095 mls


  1. Hi Jack!

    My name is Ellee and I am another commentor for the Summer Learning Journey!

    This looks like some pretty epic maths to me... what strategy did you use to work it out?
    Make sure you add it to your blog so you can recieve full points for this activity: "On your blog, tell us how to solve this maths problem. You can write your answer in words, use a Sketchpad image, or post a video explaining how you would figure it out."

    Maybe you used the place value method? or something else? I learnt how to solve equations like this in school using an algorithm, have you learnt that too?

    I think that it's pretty crazy that a cactus only needs just over a litre of water each year! I would drink that in a day I think!! What about you?

    Keep up the awesome work Jack!

    Ellee :)

    1. Hi Ellee,

      I used multiplication to work out the answer. Mum told me there are 365 days in a year so I multiplied that by 3mls on a calculator.
      From Jack

    2. Hi Jack!

      Good work asking your Mum for information but in order to get full points for this activity you need to give it a go without a calculator! (Very clever idea though!)

      You might use the place value method where you break the number (365)into parts like this:

      300 x 3 =
      60 x 3 =
      5 x 3 =

      By doing this it can be much easier to work out each equation in your head. Once you have the answer to each equation, you add them altogether to get the total and final answer!

      See if you can give that a go Jack and add it to your blog!
      Let me know if you have questions :)

      Ellee :)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful comment.